In this past year, we’ve been moving closer to Seeder’s purpose of clearing the smog and creating blue skies by increasing distributed solar adoption of China’s commercial and industrial buildings. We found a clear position in the market providing more comprehensive services for our solar investment partners and connecting more buildings with the best engineers and financiers. In 2017, our goal is to represent the best rooftops in Asia, and complete over 25 megawatts of solar projects. Developing deeper networks, richer resources and a greener future!
Look back, here are some of seeder’s highlights in 2016
The Creation of Seeder’s Solar Calculator for China

Launching a new branding inspired by a bluer sky
As Seeder evolved, the old logo and Chinese name proved to be insufficient to really communicate our message. So we refreshed our look to convey our purpose of creating blue skies and were fortunate to have the support of the amazing design team at Prismo in Shanghai. The new Seeder logo expands our horizon from each individual green building Seeder has “seeded” to the common blue sky that we hope to achieve and the paperairplane that symbolizes our ambitious goals flying higher. We also have a new Chinese name, going from 思得 (si de) to 曦得 (xi de), which signifies gains from harvesting the sunlight.

Building a dynamic team

Leading educational initiatives in rooftop solar
To understand the value and potential of rooftop solar, Seeder, together with the Urban Land Institute (ULI), organized a Nuts and Bolts of Rooftop Solar event on July 18th, 2016 that gathered top real estate decision-makers in China to discuss and educate them on the basics of solar and solar financing. Seeder is proud to have lead more than 100 educational initiatives with local building owners at our signature events and in smaller learning sessions.
Getting international media coverage for our clients
In addition to saving money, a big reason that companies want solar on their rooftops is to reduce their carbon impact and gain public recognition. We helped our client a warehouse developer and operator, to get published in a number of international news sources, but notably was by the Wall Street Journal in March, 2016, (it was also picked up by the Shanghai Daily) in the article “Office landlords are going green in China.” Our clients commented that their 248-kilowatt solar-energy system would reduce energy costs, operating expenses and carbon footprint and help them to attract more international tenants to their facility.