
Seeder Event: The Nuts and Bolts of Rooftop Solar

Opportunities, Challenges and Future of rooftop solar on commercial and industrial buildings in China.

The Urban Land Institute (ULI) and Seeder Clean Energy are delighted to invite you to a discussion on the latest development in the solar industry on Saturday, July 16th.

Date: July 16th, 2016

Time: 10:30 am-12:45 pm

Venue: Naked Hub

1237 Fuxing Middle Road, Floor 3, Xuhui, Shanghai, 200030


Organizers: Urban Land Institute & Seeder Clean Energy

In this event, solar industry experts and relevant stakeholders will share their insights on the opportunities, challenges, and the future of rooftop solar for China’s commercial and industrial buildings. Huatian Xu from Clean Energy Associates and Johnny Browaeys from Seeder Clean Energy will discuss their perspectives on market dynamics, and Jonathan McCall and Ross Allan will join the speakers in a panel discussion to provide additional perspecitves on the real estate side.


Huatian Xu,

Technology and Quality Assurance Manager, Clean Energy Associates

Johnny Browaeys

Co-Founder and Chairman, Seeder Clean Energy

Jonathan McCall

Associate Director, Capital Markets of e-Shang Redwood

Ross Allan

Director of Business Administration and Sustainability Leader

at Dulwich College


10:30am – 11:00am

Registration and Networking

11:00am – 11:15am


11:15am – 11:30am

What to look for in a good solar project by Huatian Xu

11:30am – 11:45am

Policy & Savings

11:45am – 12:00pm

How to scale rooftop solar by Johnny Browaeys

12:00pm – 12:30pm

Panel Discussion with Ross Allan and Jonathan McCall

12:30pm – 12:45pm


Light refreshments will be served.

This is a free event open to ULI members and invited guests, RSVP is required as space is limited.

To register, please scan the below QR code, click read more , or email us at [email protected].


Seeder making its mark in Washington D.C.


It was an eventful month for Seeder in Washington D.C.  Seeder CEO Alex Shoer was invited to the White House as “Emerging Global Entrepreneur,” pitched on stage at the 1776 Challenge Finals to compete for $500k and spoke at the U.S.-China Renewable Energy Industries Forum to leaders in the energy industry and a large Chinese delegation about Seeder’s innovative business model on roof-top solar financing and how they are helping to deploy solar at scale in China.

Seeder had access to high level stake holders at the various events, including some of the biggest CEOs in the country (Brian Chesky – Airbnb, Julie Hanna -Kiva, Mark Cuban – Shark Tank, Steve Blank – Father of Lean Startup) plus high level officials at the Department of Energy, IFC/World Bank, Commerce department, and the US Export-Import bank.

Seeder officially launched their innovative zero-cost solar model for the China market in partnership with UGE earlier this year and it has been talked about in the press with articles in the Global Times and Wall Street Journal and taking off amongst commercial buildings in China, being deployed on over 2MW of projects.

If you want to learn more about how to get solar on your roof at no cost and lock in 10-15% energy savings from day one then fill out our solar request form here and we will get back to you within 24 – 48 hours.

Below are some of the events Alex Shoer attended and people he visited during his whirlwind trip in the D.C.

Now back in Shanghai, the plans including wrapping up their Angel funding round, closing a few new solar projects and identifying additional financing partners who want to invest in this high-reward solar deployment model.

To the next steps…


Kicking off the First Solar PPAs in China为贵公司的屋顶太阳能面板融资


It was a great evening on April 28th, at the Haworth Shanghai Organic Space, officially kicking off the partnership between Urban Green Energy (UGE) and Seeder, for the first zero-cost solar PPA in China. There is a huge interest from property owners in China to reduce their energy bills and Seeder and UGE have created a solution to make it exceptionally easy to deploy roof-top solar, locking in 10-15% energy savings.  Solar is especially effective at reducing the time of use charges that are common in China to be up to 1.4RMB/kWh.

在4月28日于上海海沃氏乐活工作空间举办的思得环保建筑顾问公司与北京希翼新兴能源的零成本购电协议(Power Purchase Agreement)企业战略合作发表会已圆满落幕。在中国,工商业大楼业主对于能降低电费支出的节能科技有着高度兴趣。思德与北京希翼所提供的屋顶太阳能融资新模式可降低10-15%的电费支出。主要是因为太阳能能有效地降低平均可高达1.4RMB/kWh的分时电价。

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Key take aways from Seeder and UGE’s roof-top solar financing event.

– Seeder’s web app allows owners to submit projects details and get pre-approved for financing and gives financiers access to all of the information that they need at their fingertips.

– UGE takes care of all design, engineering, installation, operations and maintenance for the life of the contract.

– Blue Sky Alternative Finance provides 100% of the financing and takes care of all legal requirements and expenses.

– Seeder, UGE and Blue Sky also help to get the incentives from the government and they are passed through via the savings

– Target buildings have about 5000 Sq M of roof space which means about 500 kw of roof-top solar capabilities

思得环保建筑顾问公司与北京希翼新兴能源的零成本购电协议(Power Purchase Agreement)企业战略合作发表会要点纪录:

– 思得的App提供业主线上申请专桉所需的融资与相关的谘询服务。

– 希翼负责购电协议契约年限内所有太阳能面板设计、工程、安装、运作与保养的事项。

–  蓝天新选择投资公司提供屋顶太阳能面板安装所需的100%、全额资金以及法规与开销的事项。

– 思得、希翼与蓝天会共同争取政府的支持,成果会显示在节能效果。

– 屋顶太阳能面板专桉锁定5000平方米以上的屋顶面积来安装,等同于提供业主至少500千瓦(kw)的屋顶太阳能供电能力。

Solar has been growing at an amazing pace in the first quarter of 2015, here in China. And apparently, this has become a global phenomenon. According to Tony Seba, Stanford lecturer and author of “Clean Disruption”, solar panels will reach grid parity (generate power at a leveled cost of electricity (LCoE) that is less than or equal to the price of purchasing power from the electricity grid) in every country, across the globe by 2017. That said, with a financially feasible model at hand, which is in favor of the Chinese preference of practical costs in implementing green technology, this is the time to set the trend in installing more solar panels in China, creating a triple win: for the building owners, investors and environment.

中国太阳能在2015年第一季有着惊人的成长。太阳能在市佔率的提升其实是世界趋势。根据斯坦福大学(Stanford University)讲师与Clean Disruption作者托尼・西巴(Tony Seba)的说法,太阳能面板会在2017年,在世界各国,达到国家电网的供电量(其供电所需支付的电费会等同或少于国家电网的电费)。购电协议的融资模式有利于中国业者以零成本的方式採用绿色科技,希望以此模式创造房地产业者、投资方与环境的三赢。


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With the no-cost panels and lifetime support from UGE with design, installation and ongoing maintenance and warranty coverage, This PPA model is the best we’ve seen for deploying clean energy in the Middle Kingdom. UGE and Seeder’s model could be a game changer in the Chinese market in mainstreaming renewable energy as an alternative source of electricity provision for commercial and industrial buildings and helping the Chinese government achieve their ambitious goal of 17.8 GW of solar in 2015.

希翼的购电协议(PPA),其零成本屋顶太阳能面板与终身保障(包括设计、安装与保养),是我们在市场上看到最好的模式。我们由衷希望藉由希翼与思得的合作模式可以将新能源变成工商业大楼的主要替代能源,协助政府在2015年达成17.8 吉瓦 (GW)太阳能发电的重大目标。

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If you would like to learn more about this model and other ways to save energy we would encourage you to setup a time to meet Alex Shoer, the CEO of Seeder: [email protected] or Eva Hsu, the CCO of Seeder: [email protected]

如想更进一步了解思得与希翼的购电协议,如何因此省电,降低贵公司/工厂的用电成本,请与思得创始人舒文华联繫: [email protected],也欢迎联繫业务经理许吟华: [email protected]


UGE has provided their slides here for the full presentation.

And you can also see articles below for further reference:

  • Could the First Major Solar PPA Offering in China Drive Even Faster Market? Click here to view the article.
  • UGE International Leverages PPA Facility to Supply Solar Energy System for Redwood Group. Click here to view the article.

*A special thanks to Haworth for providing the beautifully designed organic space and UGE for the food and drinks.

** 感谢海沃提供的美丽、乐活办公空间与希翼所提供的美食与饮品。

Building a cleaner tomorrow

Air pollution causes one out of eight of all deaths around the world. That’s 7 million people every year.

Lung cancer, heart disease, chronic bronchitis, asthma… All of these diseases are the result of our poor air quality.

So what’s causing all this pollution?

One simple thing: coal. The coal we burn to power our cities. The biggest consumer of all that burnt coal?


Buildings consume 47% of all the energy we produce. And commercial buildings are responsible for 84% of that consumption.

In 2014, 54% of the population lives in urban areas. By 2050, the United Nations estimates that close to 6.5 billion people will live in cities. We will need to build enough to accommodate all that urban population.

You get the picture:

Our cities are literally chocking us to death.

And this is not a problem that’s limited to very polluted countries like China or India. You see, 75% of the air in the US can be directly traced back to Asia. That air takes roughly 6 days to arrive from China and then another 6 days to get to Europe. Wherever you are in the world, you are constantly being fed new polluted air.

There’s a simple solution to that: make our buildings consume less energy.

But how do we do that? You’re probably sitting there thinking that you, as one tiny little human in our vast society, don’t have that much power over the way our buildings work.

So how does it work?

You write down the information of the building you live or work, say what you think could be done and submit your request for a retrofit.

Seeder will get in touch with the property owner or manager, do an audit, suggest some ideas to make your space cleaner and healthier and recommend vendors that can come and do the work. If possible, we’ll even provide financing.

You get lower energy bills, cleaner indoor air and a better carbon footprint and your landlord gets a building that a more attractive building that has a higher value.

It’s that easy.

And still, you’re completely unconvinced by this idea. Fine, fine… Let me give you an example then:

Does this look familiar?

The Empire State Building underwent an energy retrofit a couple of years ago. They changed their windows, lighting and ventilation system. They now save 4.4 million dollars a year on their energy bills and got a guaranteed payback of under five years.

And… This iconic structure now emits the equivalent of 21000 planes less CO2 per year than it used to. That’s a whole lot less pollution for New York City.

Get started with clean energy today and use our calculator to find out how much you can save with solar PV on your roof. We’ll take care of the rest.

And if you want to know more about what buildings do to the environment and how we can fix it, follow us on twitter: @seederenergy